Luigi Carnevale

Luigi Carnevale

Luigi started programming as a kid on the Commodore 64 in BASIC and Assembler. He graduated with honors in Computer Engineering in Pisa and became a fan of Linux and C/C++. Luigi worked in, IAC Search & Media, Intecs and Tiscali before Istella. In his spare time he likes reading John Grisham’s novels, playing […]

Luigi Carnevale

Luigi Carnevale

Luigi started programming as a kid on the Commodore 64 in BASIC and Assembler. He graduated with honors in Computer Engineering in Pisa and became a fan of Linux and C/C++. Luigi worked in, IAC Search & Media, Intecs and Tiscali before Istella. In his spare time he likes reading John Grisham’s novels, playing […]

Luigi D’Addona

Luigi D’Addona

La passione per la programmazione lo ha portato a Pisa dove si è laureato in Scienze dell’Informazione. Nel corso degli anni si è occupato di database, data analysis e sistemi distribuiti utilizzando le più svariate tecnologie ma il suo interesse principale è il web crawling. Quando non è alle prese con un problema di spidering […]

Luigi D’Addona

Luigi D’Addona

Following his passion for programming, Luigi graduated at University of Pisa where he studied Computer Science. He is interested in many fields, such as databases, data analysis, distributed systems and likes to play with a variety of technologies – but most of the time he’s playing around with web crawlers. When not spidering he enjoys […]

Monica Mori

Monica Mori

Monica earned her Master degree in Computer Science at the University of Pisa. She has about 20 years of working experience in the area of Information Retrieval Systems, Web Search, Ranking algorithms, Machine Learning and Big Data management. Before joining Istella she worked in R&D department for several international companies like, IAC, Tiscali S.p.A. […]

Monica Mori

Monica Mori

Monica è laureata in Scienze dell’Informazione all’Università di Pisa. Ha un’esperienza lavorativa di circa 20 anni nei sistemi di Information Retrieval, Web Search, Algoritmi di Ranking, Machine Learning e Big Data management. Precedentemente ha lavorato nel dipartimento di Ricerca e Sviluppo di diverse aziende internazionali come, IAC, Tiscali S.p.A. È una sommelier professionista, ama […]